Spring Potato Salad with Broad Beans and Tomatoes

This one right here goes out to all my ladies and fella's who have been unwillingly nominated as the 'side dish' volunteer for that dinner your friends with the swanky new flat arranged. I want you to know that you are seen. More seen than your message in the Whatsapp group asking if a bag of Co-op sea salt and Chardonnay vinegar crisps would be sufficient that's been purposely left on read.

Everyone with a functioning taste palette likes a potato salad. If they don't? I'm afraid to tell you they're probably not worth knowing, tbh. With just a handful of ingredients you can find at the local shop, you can rustle up a crowd-pleasing side dish that meets the vital guest's offering criteria: must pair well with main centrepiece of the meal cooked by flustered host, but not overshadow it the point it subtracts from their moment in the culinary limelight.

Enjoy this one - and please, do not forget to buy some of those Co-op crisps... a remarkable creation that all potato fiends must have the opportunity to inhale.


1 bag new potatoes, halved
2 cups broad beans
1 cup green beans
1 cup frozen peas
1/2 cup cherry or plum tomatoes, halved
1/4 cup pine nuts
1 handful fresh mint, chopped
1 tsp oregano
Juice of half a lemon
salt and pepper
olive oil


Simply boil the new potatoes until tender, around 25 minutes, drain and put to the side to cool. Take the broad beans out of the pods and boil in the water for 3 minutes with the green beans. For the last 30 seconds, add in the frozen peas and drain. Then you can go ahead and heat some oil in a pan and fry the cherry tomatoes with a good pinch of salt on a medium heat, until nicely cooked.

Finally – in a large bowl just combine all of the ingredients with a little olive oil and stir well before serving up!


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