Unbeelievable Health Content Creation

As one of the UK’s leading nutritional supplement brands, Unbeelievable Health works with experienced certified nutritionists to create a high standard plant-powered product range. The goal? To make it easy for busy people to be healthier, naturally.

I worked with the founder Sarah Orecchia on creating content using the supplements for the team to use throughout their social media, emailing and marketing. The second aim was to raise brand awareness on my own platform – formally known as ‘Sophie’s Blend’. This required combined skills – from developing accessible recipes, styling and photographing, to writing an in-depth interview article (including backlinks) to share on my blog.

Delighted with the first campaign, Sarah and I collaborated on a second occasion to ensure the Unbeelievable Health message was being shared – and their social strategy continued to have authentic and reliable sources of UGC.

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