Podcast Ep 12: Answering Life Dilemmas With Sophie Donovan

April 22, 2021

Now then, now then – it’s lovely to have you here listening to The Plus Side Podcast!
So far in this series we have covered some pretty big topics: mental health, social pressures, female empowerment, overcoming Covid and starting a business in lockdown, to name a few. All very deep, albeit important conversations to open.
But for this episode? Well, I thought I’d throw something ~fun~ in to the mix, while delving in to the trials and tribulations of modern dating and socialising. Situations we all inevitably find ourselves in from time to time.
And who better to join me for the discussion than my marvellous and extremely relatable pal, Sophie Donovan? Soph is a journalist living in London who also happens to currently be working on the Dear Deidre advice column for The Sun. As I’m sure you can imagine, she receives a daily influx of dilemmas from readers who could all use an extra bit of light shed on their personal matters.
We asked the great people of Instagram to send in their own situ’s to be covered in the episode and they sure as hell delivered. From online dating hacks and ways to avoid the classic ‘ex stalking’, to easing back in to having an actual social life again (remember those?)
So grab a bev and tune in as we cover the good, the bad and the plain awkward brought to us by the joys of modern mingling.

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